News — moths in stash
Dealing with moths in your stash/woollens > Provenance Craft Co. > Blog 4
best way to deal with moths in wool best way to deal with wool moths in yarn dealing with carpet beetles dealing with wool moths moths in stash moths in yarn wool moths and carpet beetles wool moths in stash
Fay Dashper-HughesDealing with moths in your stash or woollens Luckily, I don't have moths in my stash. I rather suspect that if I ever found them, I would be paranoid every time something airborne was spotted in our house. My 'Stash Palace' is rather large and has been lovingly curated, so the idea of finding moths or their carnage makes me uneasy. Moths are attracted to quiet, dark places like your yarn shelves or woollens drawer. They like to feed on ceratin, a protein that occurs in natural fibres and human hair/skin. I have come across and engaged in quite a...