News — Crocheted socks with Socks Yeah
Yarn Review > Socks Yeah! from Coop Knits > Crochet Circle Podcast > Blog 2
CCP Blog 2 Crocheted socks with Socks Yeah Socks Yeah Review Socks Yeah Yarn REview
Fay Dashper-HughesYarn Review - Socks Yeah! from Coop Knits As part of The Crochet Circle Podcast I buy, crochet (and knit) with different yarns and then provide feedback on them. Here's my review of Socks Yeah! from Coop Knits. I knew this yarn was coming out but it took me a few months to see it in a shop and be able to squish it. I was actually looking for a contrast yarn to go with some West Yorkshire Spinners 4 ply Mallard (shade 862) for a pair of socks that I was going to knit for my Father-in-Law (size 10...